Soul Drops DIVINE DUO Set
(Sol & lun)
Welcome to the future of you.
With Soul Drops™ as a part of your daily routine, you can begin to find a greater sense of clarity, focus, and connection to self.
Our thousands of satisfied practitioners incorporate Soul Drops in their morning routines, meditation practices, and work schedules to cultivate natural knowing, an increased sense of wellbeing, and a greater connection to healthy habits.
Soul Drops are made with traditional healing plants (see full list of ingredients below) that have been used around the world for thousands of years. These are sacred plants used by curanderos, healers, shamans and spiritual guides in South America, Africa, India and elsewhere to help people achieve energetic balance.
The Divine Duo of SOL and LUN offers balanced yin and yang energies to heal, uplight and empower your well being. Together these master plants dance the duet of divine masculine and feminine. By uniting these energies, your true power can be activated.
What separates Soul Drops from virtually every other tincture on the market is that our products are specially formulated with an ancient spagyric extraction process which maximizes the plant’s healing properties.
SOL brings positive energy to the day. Just one dropper in the morning provides clarity, connectedness and calm with an energy boost for physical and emotional balance.
LUN brings relaxed energy to the evening. Only one dropper at the end of the day offers a deep sense of serenity and healing while opening up spiritually.
As you start to walk the path with Soul Drops, the way will appear. Begin to experience life with Soul Drops in your tool kit.
Soul Drops isn’t just a product; it’s a collection of tools to live a better life. Begin today so you may look back on this moment as a definitive shift towards a better you.
SOL Ingredients: opuntia cactus, elemi, ajmoda, madhura.
Warning: May induce joy.
LUN Ingredients: boa vine, vilcacora, taheebo, wild rue.
Warning: May induce inner peace.
Drops can be taken in a glass of water or directly under the tongue for increased effect.
Our ingredients are all-natural, organic, wild-crafted, GMO-free, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, and soy-free.
Every bottle of Soul Drops is lovingly created and packaged in the Southern California sun.
• Brings positive energy to the day
• Supports clarity, connectedness & calmness
• Provides a steady invigorating energy boost
• Supports physical & emotional balance
• Boosts Yang, cultivating a sense of active, masculine energy
• Brings relaxed, yin energy to the evening
• Generates a deep sense of serenity & healing
• Helps transition from day to night allowing you to wind down from a busy day
• Supports spiritual openness
• Encourages connection to the divine feminine

What are soul drops?
SOUL DROPS™ are powerful herbal supplements made from sacred plants to promote holistic wellness. Created by renowned healer and herbalist, Vlada Talan, Soul Drops use an ancient spagyric process to offer all-natural, legal, safe microdosing. With only a few drops per day, these potent plant essences can help you feel better, more balanced, connected, energetic, focused, creative, inspired, calm, relaxed, intuitive, and integrated.

Sarah L.
Master Trinity Set
I got an ad for Soul Drops on Facebook and decided to give it a shot, BEST DECISION EVER. I bought the Master Plant Trio and just two days after starting, I feel like a new person. I’ve accomplished more at work in two days than I usually do in a week. I tackled things immediately, head on, without anxiety or procrastination, and my normal triggers dont even phase me. I’m calm without being numb and focused without being paranoid. My sleep is beautiful and deep with dreams that address my waking concerns. I’m buying a second set for my husband and I’ll take these as long as you make them. Your product is a beautiful gift. Thank you.

Jamila P.
Master Trinity Set
I wanted to send you a note of gratitude for your Soul Drop product. I began my journey with them one month ago. The insights I have received, and continue to receive, have been nothing less than astonishing. Daily use has "directed" me to resources and people that are helping to heal areas of my life long out of balance; to illuminate long buried areas that needed addressing and were previously inaccessible to me. As a professional who tends to be quite analytical and doubting in nature, I cannot adequately express my profound thanks and pleasure in discovering this life-changing tool.

Phil M., LMT
Master Trinity Set
I came across your Spagyrics by chance a couple of months ago. Being an applied kinesiologist, I work with the energy of the body as well as the energy of plant based food medicines. I can’t tell you how utterly impressed I am with your formulations. ... I have been using your Soul drops for almost 3 months now and I am so impressed with their effect that I have been prescribing them to some of my clients for deep healing.

Soul Drops are crafted in small batches by Vlada Talan, using an ancient spagyric process. The collection consists of sacred plant tinctures intended for use to achieve balance in mind, body, and spirit. Each tincture is formulated for a specific intention, ranging from energy activation, creative stimulation, brain clarity, and the integration of the intentions and benefits desired.

Meet The Founder
Vlada Talan is a world-renowned healer and modern-shaman with decades of experience in the exploration of human development. Vlada's specialties lie in complex energy work and sacred plant medicine.
Soul Drops is Vlada’s answer to the question of sacred plants for the healing of the world. Vlada realized that sacred plant microdosing was not only a more sustainable way to offer these spiritual remedies but allowed for more grounded inner work. Vlada’s mission with Soul Drops is to create a planetary shift in consciousness that will lead to global healing.
Vlada spends her time in Los Angeles running Soul Drops and working with one-on-one clients. Vlada continues to develop her skills in energetic healing, cosmic understanding, and the balance of masculine and feminine energy. Vlada has a puppy named Charlie and savors sipping excellent tea in the sun. She envisions a world of energetic balance and light.
Ancient Spagyric process
Our spagyric essences are created through a special alchemical process that delivers a stronger solution than homeopathy, simple dilutions and other tinctures. From the alchemical point of view there are three parts to a plant – the mind, the body, and the spirit
Through separation, purification and recombination, we extract each of these components in a one-by-one process. This allows for the preservation of all three elemental powers of the plants. Just like if you cook veggies, you lose a lot of the nutrients. Same concept.

Our mission is to empower people to achieve energetic balance, integration and optimization of mind+body+spirit through sacred plant supplements.
Frequently Asked Questions

30-Day Return polIcy

We want our customers to have a positive experience with our product so please contact us if you have questions on how to optimize the effects at www.souldrops.net/pages/contact-us
If you order Soul Drops and decide they are not for you, you can return your order for up to 30-days from your original purchase.
SOUL DROPS are herbal supplements that support overall wellness. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These products offer an opportunity for you to work with sacred plant tools that empower you to activate your self-healing.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.